Friday, January 7, 2011

Polaroid 360: Well, it Works

Remember that old camera from a couple posts back that I scored at the thrift store? I cleaned the rollers, did the rubber-band battery trick, loaded up a pack of film, crossed my fingers and it worked! It was strange. When the shutter clicked, it didn't feel like I took a picture, but after a few moments, I separated the paper from the negative and there it was, an image. Magical.

 The experience was so different from digital. It reminded me of the difference between digital and analog recording (the limited number of pictures, the linearity of  click+pull+develop=picture, the fixed nature of the final image). It also reminded me of field trips to the zoo in elementary school when I only had 24 pictures on my little Kodak instamatic. I will be taking more (hopefully better) pictures soon. I am in love with this camera. But I am also frugal with my precious, precious film.


  1. I really like the first one with the man. It looks kind of ghost like the way he is not fully formed and blurry. Nice.

  2. Thanks. I'm not super happy with the way these pictures came out but I think thats kind of the beauty with anaolg/instant photography. You don't know what it's going to look like until it's done developing.There is no delete and redo. The picture is the picture.Thats it

  3. True but the excitement that comes with it is something else. I keep meaning to buy myself a proper camera (as in not digital) but I never get around to it. One day. Me and my sister like to use disposables at parties/festivals etc. not just because its less of a drama if it gets lost but the excitement of seeing what you snapped and the lower quality of the images is something I love.
    Ooops long comment. Haha.

  4. I don't mind long comments at all, an hey it wasn't that long. Disposable camera is a great idea. I might try that next time I go to a party..

  5. My favorite part of having film developed is waiting to see what I end up with. I always have an idea in my mind of the photos I thought I took, but they never actualy end up that way. It's usually a good thing tho ;)


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