Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Handmade Collar, This One Crocheted

crochet collar by Wrens and Roses
earrings by Wrens and Roses
necklace: was my grandmother's, religious medal
top: thrifted
skirt: thrifted/vintage
tights: target
shoes: thrifted

So , as you can see, I made another lacy, detachable collar last week. This one is crocheted and much simpler than the knit one. It was also a lot easier to make. What do you think? I like this one much better.

I feel strange today. I put on my Grandma's old religious medal and now I miss her a lot. She raised me as a child and was pretty much my best friend all through elementary school. Towards the end, she kind of lost her wits. It was hard to watch because she was such an intelligent woman. Maybe I'll post a bit more about her later. For now, I am going to have more tea and toast in her honor



  1. Your collars are so pretty! You wear them well:)

  2. Gorgeous collar & love the pendant. How wonderful that it was your grandmothers. Most of my favourite jewelry is inherited and I love it because of the history & sentiment. You look beautiful, I love your pictures! Enjoy your tea + toast. AND yes I would love to hear more about your grandmother. xx veronika

  3. Oh my goodness, that is GORGEOUS. I don't really care for the jean skirt (I probably would have matched it with a thigh-length skirt, but I wouldn't have the genius to come up with that outfit in the first place), but that doesn't matter. You still look amazing. Bravo! :]

    And I love how you tweak your clothing. I'm awful at sewing, so I've been sticking to redoing angel figurines and the like. Re-painting things is so calming!


  4. beautiful collar. i am sorry about your grandmother. it's nice to have little things (like the bird cards from your other post) to remember people by.


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