Monday, February 7, 2011

Spring Will Come

Sometimes it feels like winter will never end. The city is covered in snow and  we are going to have at least 2 more months of frigid temps in Chicago. Here are 5 little things i'm doing to keep my mind off of icy reality and firmly fixed on the beautiful days to come...

1. Wearing my new wooden wedges, from the fabulous Bohemian Bisoux, around the house

 vintage wooden wedges from Bohemian Bisoux on Etsy

I am in love with these shoes. They are  quality vintage, and they make my feet look cute and dainty. It would be a crime to wear them outside right now, with all the sludgey-salty muck on the streets. But that doesn't stop me from happily clickety-clacking around the house in them, just for fun.

2. Adding some cotton ribbon to the hem of my vintage jean shorts

Remember that ribbon I found on my thrift trip to Wisconsin? Well I used some of it to decorate the hem of a pair of high-waisted jean shorts. It was a quick, satisfying sewing project for a snowy day. I really like these shorts becasue they are flattering without being skin tight. I'm pretty sure I am going to be living in them come July. 

3. Painting my nails sunshine yellow

 This Revlon Top Speed polish was on sale at the drug store, so I treated myself to three pastel shades: mint, lavender and lemon (at least thats what I'm calling them. Their real names are probably more complicated and less acurate). 

4. Turning a thrifted maxi dress into a mini...

Another quick and easy sewing project that I have been semi-putting off. I bought this dress in Wisconsin too. I had been meaning to hem it for about a month. It was floor length originally. One good thing about being snowed in is finally getting around to all the little things I have been avoiding through sheer laziness. 

5. crocheting little cotton flowers...

Nothing is blooming outside but my little workspace is covered in these tiny cabbage-roses. I have a pretty good idea of what I will be using them for but I'm not tellin'. It's sort of a surprise. 

See? I've almost convinced myself that winter is a thing of the past. Meanwhile i'm still rocking sweaters, boots and multiple pairs of tights every time I leave the house. Sigh.



  1. 1. so cute! i love her shop, but haven't bought anything (yet!)
    2. great idea, i was just thinking about making some cut-offs
    3. i particularly enjoy your yellow toenails with those wedges
    4. isn't being able to hem things awesome?!
    5. it's not nice to keep secrets! :)

  2. Those shoes are fab! This post has definately inspired me to get out of hibernation mode and get cracking on my mountain of procrastination.

  3. Yes, the shoes are adorable.

    I'm in the middle of making a pair of shorts with cuffs and I am also doing a featured pattern on the cuffs very similar to what you have done with your jean shorts. They are super cute.

    I love seeing DIY projects.

    Miss Bias

  4. I remember seeing that dress! It's what inspired me to buy a strange little pink dress (pictured somewhere here:

    Any suggestions on what I should do with it besides belt it?

    And I love what you did with those shorts! If I ever cut up my old jeans, I'll be sure to try that. BTW, do you have any recommendations for stores with good high-waisted shorts?

    And those SHOES! I've been hunting for ones like that, but I can never find them! :[

  5. Oops, here's that link again:

  6. Well, I got those shorts at thrift shop called Village Discount Outlet. They were pants. The waist and butt fit me well. The legs didn't fit at all(they were tapered and the thighs were kind of loose. I would say look for some vintage, high waisted jeans (Lee, Chic, Jordache) in the pants section of the thrift store where you usually shop. Then cut them off and hem them. I'm going to answer your dress question in the comments of the post.. see you on your blog...


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