Saturday, February 19, 2011

So much for growing out my bangs. I cut them and gave the rest of my head a trim. It was a few months over do.  My hair was getting pretty ratty. 

I have been cutting it myself  for about 4 years. I've made an awful mess of it a few times, but now I can't stand the idea of someone else cutting it. I have a certain way I like it and I don't know how to explain it to someone else

the outfit:
lace shrug: thrifted 1$
dress: thrifted 4.50$
panty hose: drug store, 5$ and some change
Shoes: thrifted 3$
white cherries and chain necklace: thrifted 2$
vintage locket and tiny assemblage pendant by Wrens and Roses: 16.50


  1. that wine color looks great on you. and i love the necklace. pretty photos.

  2. Wow, you cut your hair yourself? It looks great! I really love your dress, it's very pretty.

  3. Wonderful Post! so pretty ❤❤❤ Im following you... follow back ?!! If its okay?

  4. I love the bangs on you, though. Super, super cute. I love what you're wearing too!



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