Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just One...

Blouse: thrifted/vintage 3$
Wool Skirt: thrifted/vintage 5$
Belt: thrifted/vintage (don't remember)
Boots: thrifted/ vintage 8$

I take my own pictures with a generic 50$ point and shoot and a self -timer. I could only get one good picture of my outfit today. I was having trouble getting it to focus, so I just gave up. This one turned out nicely though. I was surprised. I used a filter in picnic called "orton-ish." I like it. I think it hides the fact that I have a super cheap camera. Or, I don't know, maybe it makes it look even cheaper?

Ah well, I'm off to bed. g'night


  1. you look fab - i love that style ... do you also have delivery to spain?

  2. Thank you. And yes, I do. I ship anywhere in the world. In fact, most of my sales so far have been outside of the states.

  3. I love this!! You look so vintage, its insane...and the filter you used really helped to give it that look. My old camera did the same thing! It would blur out/lose focus of almost every single picture when I used the self timer. It also had it's other issues...which is why I ended up upgrading. Thanks so much for your lovely comment!! :)

    Kirstin Marie

  4. love the pic and the outfit! just found your blog through most serene rabbit, and started following. (i'm a fellow thrift obsessed chicagoan :))


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