Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thrift Tips #4: Don't follow Trends, Let The Trends Follow You

I had a wonderful adventure in the snow today. I stumbled on to a thrift store, that I didn't even know about, a mile and half from my house. And I went to the multi-story fortress of photography known as Helix to get some more film for my Polaroid. Anywhoo, on to Thrift tips!

photo courtesy of Sally Jane Vintage
Once upon a time, in the late 90s, all the thrift shops in the land were absolutely filled with low heeled boots from the 80s that nobody wanted.

Then one magical day, a fashion-forward girl (or girls) decided she liked the cast off boots. She bought them and wore them, despite that fact that everybody else in the world thought they were ugly and outdated.

Suddenly, the world saw how awesome the boots looked on her. Next thing you know, other hip girls started buying them. Then Urban  Outfitter's Urban Renewal brand started buying them. Pretty soon, Designers even started making new versions of them.

Viola! A trend was born.

The moral of the story: Some trends are started by visionary thrifters who embrace "ugly" cast off items and make them chic again.So don't be afraid to embrace items from the thrift store that others wouldn't look twice at. Who knows? You may start a trend. Can you think of any other trends that started as a thrift shop cast off? I can... (COUGH!highwaistedpleatedshortsCOUGH!)


  1. i love this post!

    it certainly is most important to wear what you like and not what everyone happens to have deemed "fashionable". by the way, i have several apparently discarded and "ugly" low heeled boots that i just adore!

  2. yes and it's strange how things that were once consider ugly become sought-after. It just takes one person to say, "hey take another look at this, it's actually kind of awesome"

  3. Great post, agree on the boots being really rather fabulous. High waisted pleated shorts and culottes (the horror!) should have been left in the charity shop though. I blame Chloe Sevigny and Alexa Chung myself...

    Anyway, hi, should introduce myself. Just found your blog, wended my way here from somewhere or other, we seem to have similar interests, I'm in London though. Most of my posts are thrift finds, with a bit of fashion and craft thrown in...just wrote a post on competitions too.

    Lakota x


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