Monday, January 24, 2011

Yelling in Helvetica

I have been sick all weekend and it doesn't seem to be getting better. I don't know if I'm going to do an outfit post this week. Maybe I will. If I actually get dressed. But hey! Check out this cute craft book. I found it in Wisconsin last weekend but forgot share it with ya'll. I collect old-school craft books and they all have kitschy cute-covers. I think this one might be my favorite though. I love the all lower-case Helvetica title. But for some reason I feel like its yelling at me, like "Make it yo' Damn Self!" I might share some of my other craft books some other time but right now I am going to make myself some tea and go back to bed. Sniffle.


  1. Aw, feel better soon! You're totally right - it does seem like it's yelling at you.

    Intimidation by craft book = yikes.

  2. Hope you are feeling better!
    In the mean time, I am happy to award you the Stylish Blogger Award!! You can check out the related post and rules for passing along the award here:

  3. Feel better!! I am right there with you being sick and's definitely not fun.


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