Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thrift Tips #6: Thrift Early, Thrift Often

photo by ChicagoGeek via creative commons licence 

Q: What do you do if you search a thrift store and find nothing?

A: Come back next week.

As I have mentioned before, thrifting is 95% luck. You can't predict what the shop will have on any given day. But you can increase your chances of finding treasure. One of the simplest ways to do this is to visit your favorite shops regularly. That way, when something good comes along, you have a better chance of seeing it first and snatching it up.

Obviously, some thrift stores are better than others. If you consistently strike out at a certain store, it might be time to move on. But don't give up after one bad visit.

The best thing to do is use the colored tag sales to determine the best day to thrift, and then stop by the store weekly on that day. If your store doesn't use colored tags to control inventory, just pick a day and become a regular. 

This is going to be my last regularly scheduled Thrift Tips post. I have covered a lot of ground in 6 weeks. Hopefully, you have learned something from my ramblings.  If I think of anything useful, I will post another tip, but I won't be doing it weekly. It will be a happy, random occurrence. 

Thanks for reading


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